Tuesday The Hour 09:06
As the 5G wireless communication systems are being rolled out, there is a significant research momentum on post-5G wireless
communication systems. Specifically, a number of research activities are directed towards the potential 6G standard that will emerge during
the next decade.
Our research group considers the following three premises towards 6G systems:
(1) Increase in the number and heterogeneity of connections requires new concepts for sustainable spectrum usage.
(2) The wireless infrastructure will evolve towards disaggregation, with increasing fraction of general- purpose hardware that is configurable in software.
(3) A growing number of industries and services will require reliable, resilient, and predictable wireless connectivity. Methodologically, the research on post-5G wireless systems will deviate from the traditional communication engineering to embrace methods and techniques from sensing, inference, machine learning, positioning, network economics, metamaterials and quantum communication.
In this context, multiple PhD positions will be opened within the area of post-5G and 6G communication systems. The selected candidates will work with at least one of the following topics:
- Radio access protocol and spectrum allocation for IoT (Internet of Things) connections with heterogeneous requirements in terms of reliability, latency, rate and number of connections;
- Communication techniques for integration of terrestrial and satellite systems;
- Integration of communication with distributed machine learning and inference;
- Use of machine learning methods to design and optimize communication protocols;
- Joint optimization of communication, localization, and sensing;
- Modelling and performance optimization of semantics-oriented communication systems;
- Communication models for IoT systems with distributed ledgers and blockchains;
- Communication models that cater for the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials;
- Communication models that integrate classical and quantum communication systems.
The PhD positions are opened within the Connectivity Section at the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. The Connectivity Section carries out research in the broad area of communication engineering and networking, with special focus on communication theory and wireless systems. Some positions will be established within a Villum Investigator Grant, while others within industrial collaboration projects and EU projects.
The ideal applicant must have an MSc degree in communication engineering, electronic engineering, wireless communications, statistical signal processing, machine learning, applied statistics, networking, or similar. Priority will be given to candidates that have an educational/research background on two or more of the following:
- Wireless communication systems and networks
- Communication/information theory
- Stochastic modelling and machine learning
- Signal processing for communication, localization and sensing
- Security, privacy and trust, with experience in distributed ledgers or multi-party computation
- Network economics, game theory and data markets
One or more of the following documented experience is a plus: programming, data analysis, experimental work with communication systems, quantum communication/computation, communication/signal processing for metamaterials with new electromagnetic properties.
Each candidate should submit a 1-page project proposal, outlining their vision for a potential research project within the area of post-5G/6G communication systems.